معالي د. فارس بريزات, 2018.09.18 ليس من المستغرب أن تواجه الحكومة ردة فعل شعبية سلبية على قانون الضريبة المقترح، ولهذا أسبابه العميقة في علاقة...
By Fares Braizat – September 15, 2018 Desperate people resort to desperate measures. One of those measures is “protest action” outside the established channels...
By Fares Braizat – September 8, 2018 Jordan has been a beneficiary of economic and military aid since its inception. Although aid currently constitutes...
By Fares Braizat – September 1, 2018 Jordanian public opinion perceives the US as the most influential country in Jordan as 77 per cent...