Survey of Jordanians’ Perceptions of Key Current Affairs – Spring 2024

NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions conducted a comprehensive survey to gauge Jordanians’ perceptions of the state of affairs in Jordan, aiming to provide a public opinion context for Jordanian foreign relations and policies. The survey involved a nationally representative sample of 1,525 adult Jordanians from all 12 governorates, proportionally representing Jordan’s demographics. The survey also included…

The 4th Wave of the “Foreign Relations Survey 2023”

The fourth Foreign Relations Survey by NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung reveals key insights: Based on a survey of 1,202 adult Jordanians in August 2023 with a margin of error of ±2.5%. You can view and download the analytical report below:

Public Opinion Survey: Cybercrimes Law

We interviewed 1,202 adult Jordanians to explore their awareness, support, and concerns regarding the new Cybercrimes Law Our findings reveal that an overwhelming 87.9% of Jordanians are well-informed about the law. When it comes to their stance, 71.2% express support, driven by reasons such as protection from slander, defamation, and cyber threats. Meanwhile, those opposed…

The State of Political Participation in Jordan 2022 Survey

NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions and Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung conducted “The State of Political Participation and Representation in Jordan 2022 Survey”. The survey found a growing perception among Jordanians (half of the national sample and two thirds of the university students’ sample) that they are able to freely express their views about public policy issues without fear…

State of Democracy in Jordan Public Opinion Survey: Residents of Jordan

NAMA won the International Republican Institute (IRI) bid to conduct nationally representative surveys in Jordan until December 2020 and then another bid until December 2022. Under both these contracts, NAMA is conducting a number of periodic polls on various topics pertaining to the economy, the parliament, political parties, government and reform, inclusion, violent extremism, municipal…

Perception of Climate Change in Jordan

NAMA’s Polling Center “SAWTI” – NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions conducted a survey on climate change gauging Jordanians’ knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in relation to its causes and effects on the Kingdom. The survey was conducted on a multistage probability systematic random sample, which was drawn through a clustered stratified design of 1,827 respondents from Jordan’s 12…

Perception of Refugees in Jordan Survey (Wave III)

The Perception of Refugees in Jordan Survey (Wave III) was conducted in November 2021 to measure the perception of refugees in Jordan. The survey shows that 92.5% of the respondents were sympathetic towards refugees, indicating a slight dip in sympathy towards refugees (1.5% decrease) when compared to the previous second wave of May 2021. However,…

Pre-Municipal Elections 2021 Survey

NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions conducted a nationally representative survey, in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, exploring Jordanians’ perceptions towards the elections. A booster sample compromising of university students was also surveyed to further gain insight on the perspectives of youth.  Looking at the main results, about a third of the total number of respondents illustrated…

Public Opinion Survey: Residents of Jordan

Public Opinion Survey: Residents of JordanDownload

الإعلام المسيحي في خدمة الإيمان أثناء أزمة كورونا

أطلق المركز الكاثوليكي للدراسات والإعلام بالتعاون مع نماء للاستشارات الاستراتيجية دراسة حول الإعلام والإيمان في زمن كورونا. بإمكانكم الاطلاع على الدراسة وتحميلها أدناه.  

Global Corruption Barometer/ Middle East & North Africa – CITIZENS’ VIEWS AND EXPERIENCES OF CORRUPTION

NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions in cooperation with Transparency International conducted the 10th edition of the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB). Which presented a comprehensive set of public opinion data on citizens’ views on corruption and direct experiences of bribery in countries across the region. In Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine, the results indicate a significant lack of political integrity among…

The Role of the Sub-National Authorities from the Mediterranean Region in Addressing Radicalisation and Violent Extremism of Young People

NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions was involved in the study of “The Role of the Sub-National Authorities from the Mediterranean Region in Addressing Radicalisation and Violent Extremism of Young People”. The report will focus on the situation in five countries that are members of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM), and that have been and…